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Pokemon GO:- Latest Working Bots + GPS Spoofing | 2017

Hello Guys,

Botting is no more that easy in Pokemon GO, there are tons of bots so you might be confused which one is the best and how to do it?

If you want a ban free account meaning using the latest api then you might want to grab an API key by paying some money. More at: POGO Dev

If you want to bot for free meaning using the Legacy API then you have to solve captchas and your account is more likely to get banned.

Now moving on to the bot, as it is said there is only one legend and in this case it is Necrobot.
Necrobot is an all in one bot which supports both the latest API and the Legacy API, there are many versions of it like GUI, Electron and CLI.  The GUI version is one of the best as you can transfer pokemon, eveolve them and are in complete control.

Get the latest version from here: Necrobot
GitHub Page: GitHub

Next topic is GPS Spoofing.
You don't want to use bot and want to have still fun playing at home then this the best option.
I recommend the Mock GPS with joystick app:Link

Then you just have to just select the location you want to spoof from and start. Just Open POGO and start walking around.

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