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[Latest] WPS Premium v1.1 Cracked APK + Blog Update

Hello guys and welcome to haxcracks.

I am thinking of introducing a new type of APKs called Lucky Patched Apks, meaning you need lucky patcher installed on your device which now works on both rooted and non rooted devices. I will be soon posting the latest Lucky Patcher APK so look out for that post too. So to get in-app purchase for free you just need to buy that item and then a pop up of lucky patcher will work.

Note:- To patch in-app purchase you need to try different combinations to make it work out. For e.g. Some apps need the first two options be ticked and some apps in-app purchase only works when all the three are unticked. Though I will be mentioning what you need to tick to make it easy for you guys. Also I strongly recommend you guys never to put a tick in the third box.

Benefits of this apk:

  1. You will recieve update of WPS Office from Google Play itself
  2. Less hassle and one time process. Sometimes changing launcher may require to again buy the in app purchase
  3. Less data as you will not have to download the latest modded apk to come, just download the update only from google play.
  4. Less prone to virus and you have to deal with the download page only one time. (thats a disadvantage to me! Oh no, ??.) 
  5. Last but no the least, less time wasting as you dont have to scamble around the inetrnet for the latest modded apk to arrive.
Note:- You will not be able to buy templates with this apk so don�t comment down below asking for help for it.

I think this sums it up. 

About the app:
This plugin app is used to unlock the WPS Office Premium features. It is not a stand-alone app, and won�t create a shortcut on your screen. 

Yeah! that was only given on play store.

  1. Steps:
  2. Download the apk and install it.
  3. Make sure you have the latest WPS Office app. If you dont download/update from here.
  4. Get the latest version of lucky patcher from here if you dont have already and install it.
  5. Open WPS Office and click on Buy Premium.
  6. Now  a lucky patcher dialogue box will pop up or it would say purchased already.
  7. Just try different options and see what work out for your device.

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