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utorrent Permanent Crack!!!

Hello Guys,
First Of all I will make this a very quick post .
This a crack which even allows you to stream videos forever in utorrent.

There are major drawbacks of this crack and is its for only 3.4.4 build 40911 and earlier builds.

But there is no major difference in latest versions and this version except UI and bugs improved a bit. So, a tiny sacrifice will do. Wouldn't it.

Download the zip file
Extract it. install utorrent. Exit it even from system tary if open.
Then run the crack
Click Patch and then Allow for registry and then it will say "Can not find the file.Search the file?" click yes then minimize the open window
Now, click  properties on utorrent shortcut and click open file location.
From there copy the path and past it in the open window. Select utorrent.exe and click Ok! 
Done. Enjoy Free Streaming OF videos.

Note:-If you update it anyway the patch will not work even if you do it again. 

A new version of crack is available uTorrent Pro 3.5 build 43916

Utorrent Patch
Visit utorrent
File Details
  • File Name: Setup +Patch utorrent.rar
  • File Size: 2.2 MB
  • Shrinked By:
  • Hosted on: Uplod