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Adobe Acrobat DC Pro

Hello Guys,

I am back with another Crack.
Adobe Acrobat DC is one of the most used software in the tool. Many People may not know that there is even a paid version of it and that is PRO version as the heading itself suggest.

The crack is made by PainteR.

To be honest I don�t know who this guy is but is the he is a real dude. He is awesome.

I will not give you much of a introduction as we already know about Acrobat

Acrobat DC Pro

Visit Adobe

Crack Details
  • File Name: Adobe Universal Patcher 1.5.exe
  • File Size: 1.1 Mb
  • Shrinked By:
  • Hosted on: Uplod

The Steps are-

  1. Download the setup. Its an online  setup so it will always remain updated.
  2. Download The Crack
  3. Install the setup
  4. After Installation If prompted for Software License Agreement click Accept and if asked to log in then log in if you wish
  5. Run DC Pro and then close it
  6. Run the crack
  7. Click under patch menu and scroll down till bottom and then select this option called- Try to patch another product with the amtlib file (32-Bit)
  8. Click on the Patch option if pop up appears and say cannot find the file then browse through the installation directory then open the folder called Acrobat and select the amitlib file.
  9. Let the patch complete and then you are all set. JJ

And yes,

As I always say if you really liked then buy it . This will motivate developers to do more better and make better products.

Comment down for which crack you need next.